A Note from the Director, Hendrik Schatz

Dear Members of the JINA-CEE Community and Friends,
The JINA-CEE and IReNA communities have been very active despite the ongoing challenges related to in-person collaboration and communication. I would like to thank everybody for their contributions under often difficult circumstances. As you can see in this newsletter, exciting science continues to come from our unique interdisciplinary collaborations. We are also working on a community white paper laying out the future scientific challenges in nuclear astrophysics and the extraordinary opportunities to address them. A writing team is working hard on a first draft based on community input from the JINA Horizons conference in December and community input continues to be welcome. I am also happy to report that the collaboration has developed a number of creative and innovative virtual events planned for the near future to bridge the time until we can have in-person meetings again. These events will be announced on the JINA-CEE and IReNA websites so make sure you don’t miss them. They will move collaborative science forward and offer young scientists important networking opportunities. In that vein, I also invite you to join the JINA-CEE/IReNA international online seminars, which now offer opportunities for informal interactions with the speakers before and after the event. Thank you to the international and interdisciplinary group of postdocs who are currently organizing the series: P. Gastis (JINA-CEE US, chair), Y. Lim (EMMI Germany), C. Mondal (ChETEC France), N. Nishimura (Ukakuren Japan), Z. Prudil (SFB-881 Germany), A. Psaltis (NuGRID Germany), and M. Saxena (JINA-CEE US).
I hope you enjoy this newsletter, and as always don’t hesitate to get in touch with questions or ideas.