Assistant Professor

Claude Bernard University Lyon Lyon , France

Published Wed, 02/19/2020 - 1:51 PM Expiration Fri, 03/20/2020 - 12:00 AM or until the posting is filled

The Department of Physics of the Claude Bernard University Lyon invites applications for the following position as public employee starting on September 1st, 2020 with the beginning of the academic year.

The position is a permanent position as assistant professor (Maitre de Conférence) of Claude Bernard University Lyon and the research can be held in the theory group of the 2-infinite physics Institute (IP2I). The incumbent should have a PhD in physics. While there is no age limit, this type of position are usually provided to early-career researcher.

We are looking for candidates with an outstanding research record in some of the following fields: hydrodynamics, numerical relativity, MHD, gravitational-wave physics and its connections to neutron stars and nuclear physics. The position has a strong focus on hydrodynamic simulation in general relativity. Participation in current and future collaborative-research initiatives of the department of physics, as well as interdisciplinary cooperation within the faculty of sciences is expected. The ideal candidate has a PhD in theoretical physics and experience in teaching physics. The teaching part will be held in the department of physics, at the bachelor's degree level and at the master level.

It is mandatory to have had a teaching experience (at least 100h) at the bachelor level to apply to this position and to be able to teach in french. It is strongly preferred if the candidate has obtained the CNU "qualification au métier d'enseignant-chercheur". If the candidate does not have the French qualification, he/she should shortly contact the director of the physics department for further details.

The opening date is running from 17/02/2020 to 18/03/2020 (4pm CET). More details can be found here:

and the procedure to candidate is explained on :

or directly here :

For more information on the teaching profil candidate can contact : J.-C. Plenet, director of the physics department,, (+33) 4 72 43 11 96.

For more information on the research profil candidate can contact : Anne Ealet, director of IP2I,, (+33) 4 72 44 84 57.

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